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Cardio Classes



Cardiolates® is a system of exercise which combines all the cardiovascular and health benefits of rebounding with the Pilates core strengthening and alignment benefits. The deep postural muscles of your body are constantly contracting involuntarily to stabilize you as you move during the exercise. 


Rebounding challenges your stability and the deep postural muscles will be challenged to keep you upright, so your stabilizing muscles are strengthened without you having to worry about it! If you follow the guidelines for alignment in the rebounding technique for Cardiolates®, you will strengthen every cell of your body reach your target heart rate for a sustained cardio workout.     





Cardio -Tramp Circuit Training

Challenge your core and build stamina using innovative and simple jumping combinations, separated with intervals of upper and lower body strength and flexibility exercises on the Cardio Tramp™ Circuit on the Reformer. This ultimate cardio / strength interval class, challenges your core, and total body strength, elevates your heart rate, while focusing on proper jumping technique. The Cardio-Tramp offers a softer, more resilient surface for a lower-impact jumping experience. Cardio-Tramp sessions can be sustained longer because of the elastic rebound nature of the trampoline’s webbing. This new format keeps you on the move. 




Excellent Cardio Work out - International dancing to the beat of international rhythms. Zumba combines Latin and salsa dancing with high-energy music with the same kind of flair. But instead of just utilizing the dance moves or motions of salsa, it uses components from every kind of Latin dance. No competition, no intimidation. You will learn the sets and then Kaboom! You barely realize you are working out because you are having so much fun.




Kettle Bell

The Kettlebell is the ultimate tool for all-around extreme  fitness.


Many train with kettlebells because no other piece of equipment can do what the kettlebell does. In kettlebell training you target every aspect of fitness using functional movements. Training with kettlebells will gain you strength in the legs, glutes, back, arms, and abdominals. It is the ultimate core workout, while developing your cardiovascular conditioning, power, stability, flexibility, balance, and agility.






Achieve a full body workout emphasizing core performance. The TRX utilizes the pendulum principle of training; your body position relative to the anchor point of the TRX determines the resistance and difficulty of the movement – you can tailor your workout specifically to your ability level. Use your body like never before and explore infinite possibilities with TRX training!






BOSU® Conditioning

Engage the core, burn calories and build muscular endurance in this high intensity cardiovascular workout.





Cardio Ballet Barre


A fun class to inspire your inner dancer.  lots of cardio mixed with stretching, movements at the ballet barre.  Absolutely no experience needed.





Boot Camps

Experience the effectiveness of interspersing bouts of near-maximum exertion with periods of lower intensity activity.



Indo Rowing Work Out

Travel through an intense workout as you learn to row seamlessly connecting the upper and lower body for the ultimate total body workout. Be prepared to challenge the notion of a rowing workout, and sprint through intervals of rough water as you complete your daily/weekly journey.

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