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Yamuna Body Rolling™





Yamuna Body Rolling™ was created by Yamuna Zake, Educator, Bodyworker, Herbalist, and Aromatherapist. It is a unique exercise system that provides health, fitness and ‘massage’ using a series of 6 to 10 inch balls and your own body weight. Through a series of routines, you will work specific muscles from the insertion of the tendon, deep through the elongated muscle, to create suppleness in tight areas and optimize range of motion. 


Yamuna Body Rolling™ reeducates muscles and stimulates bone, creating positive, permanent changes in the body. The Yamuna Body Rolling™ class offers you the effects of a hands-on-practitioner, only using a ball. The ball replaces hands as it moves on muscle to stretch then dislodge tension and discomfort, increasing blood flow, and promoting healing. Lying over the ball you literally roll your body out almost like dough to stretch and elongate your muscles.




Yamuna Body Rolling™ routines follow specific sequences that match the body’s own logic and physical order. It is a great compliment to sports pursuits and other exercise disciplines yet is also effective all on its own. We invite you to try a class and discover for yourself how Yamuna Body Rolling™ can help you feel better, move better, gain strength and eliminate pain. 




A ball, the floor and you. Once you learn the basics of YBR, you can recreate the elements of in an individual session or in a guided class, taking you further towards your ideal.


Color-coded YBR Balls for targeting specific muscle groups and a series of rolling movements bring sensible results– results you feel and see – in one session.

"I want to provide the education and affordable products that can keep people knowledgeable and empowered to take care of their own bodies."

- Yamuna


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